Remy Buxaplenty~Male Human~Head Wizard
Wanda~Female Fairy~General Purpose Wizard
Cosmo~Male Fairy~One of Timmy's godparents
Timmy Turner~Male Human~A young boy who has fairy godparents
Vicky~Female Human~Timmy's Nasty Babysitter
Tootie~Female Human~Vicky's Little Sister
Stardust~Fairy~Nice Friendly Fairy
Wandisimo~Male Fairy~Remy's Fairy Godparent
Gonzo~Fairy~A Fairly Odd fairy with a taste for flair. A bit clumsy and forgetful.
Jorgan the Second~Fairy~Son of Jorgan the fairy trainer. while jorgan the first
is mean and nasty, jorgan the second is nice,funny, and loves granting
wishes for his fairy godchild, Becky.
Jed~Fairy~tall/small/redneck/scientist/tony hawk wannabbe.
Darling~Fairy~A kind fairy that likes Cosmo.
Trixie~Human~tall, black hair, brown eyes, beatiful
Zemmy~Fairy~A smart fairy
Sam~Human~ A large 10 year old boy with a fairy god-hamster named
Mrs. Claus~Fairy~Santa's wife
Evil Cosmo~Fairy~The evil fairy with the eye thingy. Opposite of Cosmo.
Chester~Human~male,has braces, one of Timmy's best friends.
Jasper~Fairy~A fairy whos a bit off with his magic, but eerily calm
under any circumstance. Currently godchildless (Don't ask what happened
to the LAST kid he got assigned to.)
Carmen~Fairy~Clever, witty fairy who likes to play tricks. May have
problems doing what is best for her godchild!
Mewtaila~Fairy~Mewtaila has cats' ears and a tail, both purple.
Athena~Fairy~Looking for a kid to be her Godchild, irresistable to all
Jorgan Von Strangle~Fairy~Drill Instructor, husband of the tooth fairy.
Chompy~Town Mascot~The mascot of Dimmsdale, used to be inside a cage, but Timmy set him free.
A.J.~Human~Very smart, has a locker full of A's.
Mrs. Turner~Human~Timmy's mother.
Triston S. Powell~Human~A kid just like Timmy and Chester.